In Mullbear Orphanage lives a young girl, Mhakna, and her friend Sebia. The head of the orphanage is Tighra Ann, a mean old lady. Life is hard for them, and they have a lot of hard times. Still, the two find their own happiness, and simply live their lives day to day.

With the two of them are about to turn 10, one day, Sebia says to Mhakna:
"Listen, Mhakna! Fairy Bell came to me yesterday!"
He tells of how kids having a hard time can be happy forever in Enles Land, and how Fairy Bell can bring them there.
There is something they can't escape from though: once they turn 10years old, they will be turned into animals and sold.

Sebia also tells her:
"Remember, Mhakna. If things get hard, just make a wish to the stars. Wish for Fairy Bell to come save you, and believe that she will. If you do, she'll come to get you."
Mhakna can't escape her fate of being turned into an animal and sold off. Crying, she hopes for a miracle that Fairy Bell will come and save her.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mhakna. I'm here to save you. My name is Fairy Bell. I've been watching you from the big, big crystal in Enles Land."
"Fairy Bell... You're real."
There, Mhakna is invited by Fairy Bell to go to Enles Land for her promised eternal happiness.
But only if "she never becomes a grown-up"...